what is it that is holding Young people back from being happy, what is the mayor “white people” problem now a days? I believe is choice… is the endless scrolling thru the list of movies being streamed… it is the endless shelfs of noodles in the supermarket and is the endless list of contacts in a phone…
there is a direct correlation of the number of choices and your mental well being… having no choice is not the the healthiest of all (no wonder why most monogamous relationships are stressful), and having all choices open neither…. there is a small window where the number of choices are just right for you… where you feel free to make a choice but no overwhelmed when it comes the time of making it… the most important thing is that what yesterday was right won’t have to be today, it is a personal and dynamic….
is the internet our modern cancer? is it killing our happiness?
in the end it shoudln’t, be happy that having many choices is becoming a problem, it means that your life is nice enough for you to worry about not that important stuff…